Thursday, October 30, 2014

Real History World Wide: The Worlds First Civilizations

 Real History World Wide is an informational  website that gives you amazing evidence and archeological artifacts that the first civilizations on earth were founded by African/Moorish people. The Americas (including the Caribbeans), Canada, Europe, Asia, Australia, and the Pacific Islands were all African/Moorish people any of man kind walked the earth. We all know the glorious past of African civilization but it is time to take a great look around the rest of the world, and explore what our ancestors presents in antiquity. 

 Olmec Heads of Mexico and Central America.

Maya warriors in Ancient MesoAmerica


  1. This site is great! This is proof that the movement has long since begun. I am an Indigenous Justice Marshal of The Republic of The New Kemet, a non-citizen of these so-called united states (true name, AMEXUM). The great movement of enlightenment is underway, and the indigenous Matriarchs (Mothers of Light) has now reclaimed our lands, and our planet from the decimation of the Europeans and their thralldomish government. Keep informing our people of their great worth and regal heritage. MAY THE GREAT CREATOR CONTINUE TO BLESS YOU ALWAYS.

  2. This site is great! This is proof that the movement has long since begun. I am an Indigenous Justice Marshal of The Republic of The New Kemet, a non-citizen of these so-called united states (true name, AMEXUM). The great movement of enlightenment is underway, and the indigenous Matriarchs (Mothers of Light) has now reclaimed our lands, and our planet from the decimation of the Europeans and their thralldomish government. Keep informing our people of their great worth and regal heritage. MAY THE GREAT CREATOR CONTINUE TO BLESS YOU ALWAYS.
