Monday, August 18, 2014

Police Brutality St. Louis Ferguson on Sa Neter Tv
 Sa Neter produced a powerful discussion on the police brutality not just about what happen to Mike Brown in Ferguson, St. Louis, Missouri, but what is going in the African American community today in the United States of America. Shakka Ahmose started off with the discussion about us being organized. We have to be Organized, Organized, Organized, and he spoke highly of that towards Kwame Ture and the All African Peoples Revolutionary Party. Kwame Ture spoke to our people about how important organization is in our communities around the world because we lack the overstanding of being organized. We suffer from what would be called an Reactionary instead of Revolutionary. Revolutionaries don't react, we organize,come up with solutions and strategies to handle the problems we face on a day to day basis. Shakka Ahmose also spoke about our great elders, John Henry Clarke and Dr. Claud Anderson. If I were you, take the time to look up these brothers and gain great insight on what is happening now in our communities that is effecting in the global white supremacy power structure. The discussion in this video is about how do we deal with the issues in our neigborhoods with police brutality, economics, education, and how we need to be better organized. Brother Sutek and Brother Divine Allah also brings powerful insight into the round table. What do you think? What should do to be better organized? Solutions? Click on the link below.


  1. Thank you for the amazing photographs. Remember Puerto Rico is part of US. WOuld love to see some Tainos here....
